- Loyalty to the College by punctual and reliable in all duties.
- Integrity by being honest in words and actions.
- Creating and maintaining with strong relationships with:
- Proper interactions with students
- Maintaining professional boundaries with students and staffs.
- Dignity by treating students by care and kindness.
- Being supportive and cooperate with other staff members
- Responsibility by meeting the required standards for every assigned task.
- Justice by being committed to the wellbeing of individuals, the wider community and the common good of all people.
- He / she must respect and maintain the hierarchy in the Administration.
- He /she should adhere strictly to the official resumption/ closing time and must dress decently and appropriately
- Teachers should handle the subjects assigned by the Head of the Department
- Teachers should complete the syllabus in time.
- Teachers shall produce good results in the subjects handled by them and are accountable for the same.
- Continuous Assessment Tests (CAT) and Model Examinations are to be conducted in a year. Answer books are to be valued and marks are to be informed to the students and the same should be entered in internal mark register.
- Teachers should be good counselors and Facilitators. They should help, guide, encourage and assist the students to ensure that the Teaching-Learning Process is effective and successful. Value based education must be their motto.
- Teachers should maintain decorum both inside and outside the classroom and set a good example to the students.
- Teachers should carry out other academic, co-curricular and organizational activities that may be assigned to them from time to time.
- Teachers must report in time to duty as per the working hours prescribed and should be available in the campus unless and otherwise they are assigned duties elsewhere.
- Teachers should sign the attendance register and bio-metric while reporting for duty.
- Prior written permission is required from the Principal/atleast a day in advance while availing CL or OD.
- Medical Leave will be sanctioned only for medical reasons. Medical Certificate will be verified for its genuineness.
- Staff members are encouraged to write text books, publish articles in reputed Journals and present papers in Seminars and Conferences.
- Staff members are encouraged to take up Research projects.
- Staff members should also attend Faculty Development Programmes, Quality Improvement Programmes etc to update their knowledge.
- Male faculty shall wear formal shirts and pants. Female staff members shall wear sarees inside the college campus.
- Teachers are barred from using cell phones while taking classes.
- Teachers must always wear their identity badges while inside the college premises.
- Heads of Departments must submit the Department’s time table and individual teacher’s time tables to the Principal in time. Any change must also be reported to the Principal in writing, Teachers are expected to attend Department academic association meetings, seminars etc and also college functions like Sports Day, College Day, Independence Day and Republic Day celebrations without fail.
- HODs are responsible for all the college properties belonging to their department. It is their responsibility to keep them clean and in working order. Any loss or damage to their property (like, tables, chairs, lab equipments, chemicals, and electrical appliances) must be reported to the Principal in writing immediately.
- Students shall come to the college clean, tidy and smartly dressed.
- Every student should wear Identity Card (ID) issued by the College at all times while on campus. In case of loss of identity card, student must inform the office to get a new ID card by paying for it.
- Student should be regular and punctual in attending the classes.
- During class hours gathering in groups at entrance and exit pathways and lobby (veranda) is strictly prohibited.
- Strict silence should be observed inside the class room.
- No student should leave the classroom without permission of the lecturer.
- Students are expected to read notices put up on the College notice board.
- Students shall not hold meeting for criticizing the authorities of the College.
- No Notice of any kind shall be circulated among the students or pasted on the notice-board without the previous written approval from the Principal.
- While attending College or any public function they will conduct themselves in such a way as to bring credit to themselves and to the institution.
- Students should not address public meetings, media or take part in the political activities of any kind.
- The Principal will deal strictly with students who play a leading part by organizing or assisting in strikes.
- Regular attendance in the class room as well as submission of periodical assignments is expected from all the students. Any irregularity in this regard or absence without prior permission will affect adversely the evaluation of the student concerned and may entail disciplinary action.
- The Principal can suspend a student for irregular attendance for habitual neglect of homework, indolence, disobedience and disrespect towards teachers and office staff and for indecorous conduct.
- Students should not indulge in misbehavior such as ragging, eveteasing, etc., Such students shall be strictly dealt as per law and may be dismissed from the College.
- Students are not permitted to use cell phones in the class room.
- Students shall avoid using any insulting, inciting, threatening language when talking with fellow students and should abstain themselves from violence.
- Spitting, smoking and throwing bits of paper inside the College campus must be avoided.
- Students are prohibited from damaging the building or any other property of the College in any way. The cost of any damage so caused will be recovered from the students collectively.